Nurse Practitioner Jon Adds a New Dimension to BAFHT – Acupuncture!
Jon Lorch is a popular Nurse Practitioner at the Bluewater Area Family Health Team (BAFHT) clinic in Zurich. All his life, Jon’s interest has centered around nursing – from his first diploma at Fanshawe College, through his 25 years as a Registered Nurse which included stays in six different locations, including Bancroft and St. Thomas, and a degree from McMaster University in Hamilton.

Jon has a passion for rural country medicine and enjoys the independence and autonomy his career choice offers. He has just completed his first seven months at the BAFHT and has already decided that this is where he plans to settle.
But there is an aspect to Jon’s resume that is not generally known – acupuncture. He has always held an interest in Chinese medicine and a one year stint at the College of Acupuncture and Therapeutics in Kitchener gave him the qualifications to practice officially – he has been practicing now for nine years.
Jon successfully combines his work as a Nurse Practitioner with his skills in acupuncture where his focus is on pain management.
A Southwestern Ontario boy through and through, Jon was raised in the Rodney area of Elgin County and now resides between Lucan and London where he lives with his partner, Kathryn. He has four children, two boys, Tim (17) and Noah (19) and two girls, Caroline (21) and Justine (24).
Of BAFHT, Jon is pretty enthusiastic, ‘We have a great team and a wonderful work environment, I cannot say it better than that’.
Call BAFHT at (519) 236-4314 to book an appointment.
*This service is NOT covered by OHIP, therefore a pre-payment charge is required.
**Check with your personal insurance company regarding coverage for Acupuncture services
completed by a certified Nurse Practitioner.