A Chance To Leave Your Mark in the Local Community
There are still a number of examination room sponsorships available at the Bluewater Area Family Health Team (BAFHT) clinic in Zurich. Families, local businesses, area corporations, associations and service clubs will be recognized for their donation with a plaque on the wall immediately outside the room. All locations are in high traffic areas.

Call Executive Director, Paula Kroll and arrange to have your name displayed prominently at the clinic. The cost is a one-time charge and ranges from $15,000 to $25,000 depending on location.
BAFHT is on a fundraising mission and is looking for volunteers to help organize and run a variety of events to support the clinic and add to the health care services it offers the community. More money means more health care programs can be introduced to benefit the area.
Don’t be afraid to suggest fundraising ideas of your own – several heads are better than one!
Contact Sandra Shaw of the Fundraising Committee at